So in the past week, the issue of “guns” has come up with two friends. The first said he would shoot someone in the leg and then hold the gun to him while he called 911, or run to the neighbors and call 911 from there (after shooting him in the leg). My response is shooting him in the leg will only piss him off. The reason this came up was because I said I use hollow points, which, well, leave a huge mess inside, so they don’t get back up. The other friend said the only use for guns (as if it were a “tool”) is to “kill things”. This might be true, but the reason I would be killing them, although I hope I never have the need to, would be to protect myself, or my family. My family (parents, sisters, future wife and children) are my top priority. And I will use all means necessary to protect them. And I would risk my own life for them. I think of the recent shooting that happened at a couple of churches where a gunman was going around killing people in churches, until one lady in the last church pulled out her weapon and put him down (Article). The day I found out about that, the pastor at the church I go to said how he would protect his own family at all costs and if someone tried to hurt his family, he would “tear them limb from limb”. I may not be able to express the way I feel very well, but I do feel strongly about it. Education is the best tool to keep guns safe.