So, Friday night, I took Robert to the Castle. It was the weekend of his birthday, and I owed him for helping me out the other weekend. We stopped at Applebees on the way. I got a Mac and Cheese with chicken thing. So we get to the club. A little empty at first, but the goths start coming in. Lots of “dominating” women and gay looking guys. The Senator was not there that night, but the night before. One of the most interesting girls was this one whose shirt consisted of 4 pieces of black tape. Well, this entire time, I was sitting on a couch. I wasn’t feeling too good, and my stomach kept getting worse and worse. At about 2:30, I couldn’t take it anymore, and got up to go tell Robert that we needed to go. I get up to him, tell him, then get dizzy and have to sit down. Next thing I know, I am on the floor looking up at a bunch of people looking over me. Robert helps me up and we get out to the street. I lay down on the sidewalk while he goes and gets my car. The entire time back, I am shaking from chills. As soon as I get home, that’s when it happens. My body decided to evacuate everything every which way it could. Fast. Yes, it sounds gross, but, hey, it happens. It had to have been food poisoning. It has to have been the worst experience of my life. I have never felt so bad. My guess is the cheese in the mac and cheese dinner used some bad milk, but I can’t be sure. I am still sticking to mostly soup and rice at the moment, but am actually moving about now. Robert stayed with me that entire night, so special thanks goes out to him for being a good friend. I owe him a dominating woman (whom I toppled onto when I passed out).