So in the past few days, several people have asked me if I was losing weight because I look thinner. I can’t really tell. I haven’t weighed myself in months. Last I checked, it was around 175 to 185. I’ll have to do that tonight. Granted, my meals have been getting smaller, but I eat more of them… I think. I should probably go food shopping. I haven’t done that in a few months either. But if I buy food, it goes bad because I’m never around to eat it. And I don’t want to buy food that lasts for a year or two, because it makes me wonder what the heck they are putting in it to make it last that long, and do I really want that in me. So it’s kinda funny… my diet consists of stuff like chicken nuggets, McDonalds cheese burgers, salads, cake, ice cream, jalapeƱo chips, and popcorn. And they say your metabolism slows down as you get older… go figure…