5 Year Mark

So on March 3rd, 2008, ElectroNerdz will officially be 5 years old. Over the hump. If it can survive 5 years, why not more? ElectroNerdz has increased is revenues dramatically, and is just about out of whatever debts it currently has. The number of customers has grown to possibly be between 100 and 300 people and businesses.

So to celebrate, ElectroNerdz employees and their significant others (which is I guess is just me, Bobby and Britanni) will be taking the weekend of March 7th off. I am not quite certain doing what yet, but all I feel like doing is… nothing. Sitting on the beach doing nothing or something similar. I am open to ideas. I don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on it, but I want to do something. And I’d like it to not be more than 5 hours away. So please give me ideas.