Well, I went to Walmart, and found these neat little tupperware-like packages for lunch. One will fit a sandwich, the other will fit round crackers (quite perfectly I might add for the kind I like). And last is a rectangle one for whatever. I also found some neat drink things that have a frozen center to keep it cool. And last but not least, a lunch bag that fit it all perfectly.
Ok. So I made a sandwich. Unfortunately, I discovered that I did not have any mustard, so I had to use barbecue sauce. I stuck it in the freezer Sunday night. I also got crackers, and some pineapple slices and a fork. It put all of that in the fridge inside the lunch bag.
In the morning, I pulled out the sandwich, and moved it to the bag, and took off. Two and a half hours later, I got to my office. Pulled out the sandwich and gave it a little bend. Crack. Yeah, it was still frozen in the center. Luckily, I have a microwave at the office, so I nuked it for a bit. Other than that, my lunch idea worked out great. I also found another compartment under the lunch bag, where I will be keeping cookies for a little extra. Mmm… cookies.
So my idea needs a little rethinking. Instead, I am going to do this. The night before, I will move the sandwich to the refrigerator. This will give it extra thawing time, but still in a cool environment. I am testing this theory tomorrow. But there will still be a microwave present, just in case. Oh, and I finally found some mustard in little jars. Thank you Trisha. Well, I don’t know about this last Christmas, but Christmas’ past.