So I was at the office till about 12:30 last night. Got in bed around 1:30. I had an appointment this morning at 8:30, so I wanted to get as much sleep as possible. I was going to wake up at 7:30. Around 6:30, it started pouring rain. Normally, no big deal. But I left the cover open on the back of my truck. With my tools in it. I ran out of my house in my underwear, grabbed the ladder (the reason I had it open in the first place) and yanked it out of the truck. Closed the top, and ran back in. I was soaked. Dried myself off, and tried to get more sleep. Didn’t get much.
So I had this thought today. I stopped at Burger King for lunch, and afterwords, my stomach wasn’t so happy. I’ve been eating way too much fast food lately. But the reason I keep eating there is because it’s fast, and cheap. So, I’ve concluded that I must find a way to make a “bagged” lunch fast and cheap. I can only make it cheap by buying in bulk. But when I buy in bulk, it goes bad because I can’t eat it fast enough. So here is my though. Frozen lunches. On Sunday night, I can premake my lunches for the week, and freeze them. This allows me to make it fast, by just grabbing a frozen lunch “package”. By the time I get around to eating it, it will have thawed enough for me to eat it, allowing me to leave it in my truck in a bag of some sort. So I will be making some practice lunches this weekend to see how it works out. Obviously, there will be a sandwich, either with meat or PB&J, and some sort of side item. I’d like “healthier” items that either last a while, or can be frozen. Any ideas? I also have the issue of a drink. I can either have bottled water, which could get expensive, or find some sort of sealable cup where I could have some pre-ready.