Oh Christmas Tree

So I had my Thanksgiving today. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. The regular. No apple pie however. My family also put a Christmas tree and decorated, while I watched out of the corner of my eye. Should I put up a tree? There is supposedly one out in the shed. But it’s so much work to decorate. And where would I put it?

So it appears that Jessica may be getting married. After 5 months. Her Myspace status says “Jessica is getting hitched.” Unless she means something else, but she had been talking about getting married.

I also posted this on my Myspace page, but I am giving away free ElectroNerdz t-shirts. On one condition. You must actually wear it in public. I am trying to come up with ideas for something funny on the front, and then an ElectroNerdz logo on the back. For example, I am going to do “Shift Happens” on one shirt. If you are interested in a free shirt, let me know.

My Office

So I’ve actually gotten a lot of my office cleaned up. I’ve put up shelving and have started going through boxes of junk and figuring out what to do with it all. I’ll post pictures soon.

Speaking of pictures, here was my Thanksgiving dinner last night:


It was chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and stuffing. It was actually quite good. I also had a glass of blackberry wine to go with it.

Bushy Beard

So I’ve decided to grow out my beard a bit more. Most people don’t like it long, but it’s mine, and no one is going to complain that it’s scratchy. I’ve had it short for quite a while keeping it trimmed close. But I keep seeing a picture when it was longer, and it looked good, so I’m gonna try it again. It’ll probably turn red, but oh well.

Happy Un-Thanksgiving

So I’ve gotten two official invites for Thanksgiving (outside of my family, which will be on Saturday). I’m not sure I want to go to either however. For one of them, I’m still kind of uncomfortable around a particular person, but on top of that, social situations above four people are hard for me. They are extremely exhausting to me. I’m not quite sure why. Even going to church is hard, but I want to go so I deal with it the best I can. I’d almost rather just not do any holidays this year (other than with my immediate family). I’m just not in the mood for them this year. I’m not anti-social, just non-social. Is that such a bad thing? It’s just been a bad year for me socially. Things finally ended with Jessica. Bethany dumped me. I got to be good friends with Bryant, but then he shipped off to boot camp. I don’t see Nathan and Lowell as much as I’d like to. And this girl Megan drove me nuts for a while. It’s too emotionally and mentally exhausting.

Rhode Island: The Gentleman’s Club

Well, I slept much better last night than I have been since I took melatonin this time. I believe I slept for 10 hours. So this morning, we headed out towards Providence. I brought my grandmother to Target (as it’s too busy around there for her). We then went to the Providence Place Mall. A three story mall that would blow Lakeland’s mall out of the water. I mean heck, it even has an Apple Store. Driving around the city part of Providence is a little crazy, but I found my way around ok. Leaving however… let’s just say that the Route 6/I-295 intersection and I don’t mix well.

For lunch, we stopped at a restaurant called the Gentleman Farmer. I kept joking with my grandmother that she was taking me to a gentleman’s club. Their food is excellent. The waitresses were cute. I highly recommend the place. We drove around a bit more, and I learned more about the history of Foster, RI. You can see some of it in the photos.

Finally, this evening I saw my Aunt Louisa and Uncle Gil. I haven’t seen them in probably 10 years! Of course, I got the same old “You look just like your father!” Sigh. I also saw my father’s old friend, Ted. I’ve heard so many amusing stories about Ted and the things he did while helping my father build houses.

Anyway, check out more pictures on the photo gallery. Start on page 6 to see the new pictures.

Malibu Barbie

I had clam cakes and chowder tonight. It was delicious. It reminded me of Rocky Point. Sigh. I miss Rocky Point. On a different note, I am really starting to like the Chevy Malibu. It’s actually a nice car. It looks good. Excellent turning radius. Rides nice. Roomy. Of course, I would never buy one without some huge friggin’ warranty on it, cause I certainly wouldn’t want to work on it. Maybe I will get one when I start a family.

Rhode Island: In Pictures

Ok, I’ve uploaded some photos so far, so check them out. Today I have mostly just driven around and reminisced about everything. It’s amazing just how well I actually remember the streets. The only house I could not find so far was Tatnic Hill Rd. I found the road, and the area, but I think the driveway has a “Posted: Keep Out” sign, so I feared getting shot driving up it and did not enter. There are only two other houses that I can think of that I haven’t seen that my father has built (that I know of anyway). I also saw Mama and Dada and left some flowers.

Rhode Island: Arrival

Well, I made it to Providence. Of course, getting the airport, I learned that Amber, who was driving me there, only had 3 hours of sleep. I had a connection in Philadelphia where I switched a smaller “Express” plane. I was thinking it would be more uncomfortable, but amazingly, it was much more comfortable. I finally landed at PVD. I noticed something that I have never seen in an airport. Recycle bins. Why can’t larger airports have these? Anyway, I got to the rental car location. Hertz wanted $55 a day, so I said I’ll try the next people over. I found a Malibu for a $35 a day. Much more reasonable. The woman who rented me the car asked what I was in town for, and I said “To see my grandmother.” She said I was such a good son (I think she meant grandson). And funnily enough, both her, and the guy who drove the shuttlebus knew of Lakeland and had been there.

When I finally got on the road I started heading towards Route 6. I of course missed the exit. There is a 6A, 6B, and a 6C. Well, they are all off of the highway, so you have to pull off, pick your exit along the way, then you can finally get back on at the end. Well, the first sign did not explain this with a “Exit 6ABC”. It was just “Exit 6” and by the time I found out, it was too late. So I had to go to the next exit and come back. Around this same time is when I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed that a car behind me had just spun out and was in the middle of the highway with its hood wide open in the air.

Driving down Route 6 I started recognizing things. It is amazing to me how I can have all of these memories of these places along the road, yet I’ve never been to them. I just remember seeing them.

When I arrived at my grandmothers, sitting on the stove was a pot of beef stew. It’s like she read my mind. We’ve mapped out a lot of the place I want to visit while I am here so I can reminisce (or find out that they’ve changed it and destroyed my childhood memories).

While I am here, I will be on my aircard, which has no EVDO (I’m in the boonies of Rhode Island), so I will be at dialup speeds. It will be tough not feeling so connected. But I’ll pull through. Maybe it will be good for me and get me off of this damn computer.

Anyway, I miss Meiko. Please go visit her. She needs the attention. She’ll love you forever.